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Q: When an actor makes a mistake in his lines while acting what is that called?
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Related questions

What is the word for an actor who has forgot their lines?

It's called 'corpsing'.

What is cue acting?

Cue acting is a way of acting in the Elizabethan theatre (Shakespeare's time) where an actor doesn't receive his lines before the play is actually performed. Instead, someone backstage whispers his lines just before he is to say them. It's in fact an old time version of the modern 'autocue'.

What does acting involve?

Acting involves being able to pretend to be someone else. A really great actor has an excellent memory to memorize his lines, a genuine feel for the character they are portraying and the ability to improvise when necessary.

An instrument used to construct stright lines?

The instrument that is used to construct straight lines is called a rule. Often people make the mistake of calling it a ruler, but its a rule.

What is an actor who is substitute for another actor called?

Are you talking about an understudy? Understudies are people who come to rehearsals and then if the actor that was formerly hired cannot perform (due to sickness, quitting, ect.) then the understudy takes their part. I think that they are called understudies because they study the actor's lines (hence study) and are underneath the position of the actor. I hope I helped.

If you draw the lines of action of all of the forces acting on the board and extend the lines what will you get?

You will get a meaningless jumble of lines.

What is a backup actor called?

In theater, an "understudy" is a person who learns the lines and blocking of an actor or actress in case he or she is unable to perform due to illness, emergency, etc. These people can also be referred to as standbys or alternates.

How do you obtain horizontal lines and vertical lines?

write a mistake then use the white side of an ink eraser to rub it out then use the blue side to write over it. NOTE:IF YOU MAKE A MISTAKE YOU WILL HAVE TO RUB IT OUT!!

How did you become an actor?

Perform in plays, memorize lines, be able to add emotion to the lines. Eventually, if your talent is recognized, you just might have a shot at the job of an actor.

What actor has the most lines in the play Macbeth?

The person with the most lines in the play is macbeth

If you draw the lines of action of all forces acting on the board and extend the lines what will you get?

You will get a meaningless jumble of lines.

Why is acting more than memorising lines?

Acting is more than memorizing lines because if you had a person who stood up on the stage reciting lines you wouldn't be able to understand the story the way it was written or the types of emotions the characters are experiencing. So in order to be a great performer the actor or actress must be able to act as though they are literally in that setting, in that time, and feeling those same emotions without a doubt! They should be using both tone of voice and body expressions.