The play was written in 1595, but it takes place in the 13th or 14th century.
Romeo and Juliette was taken place in Verona Italy in the 1500s.
The principal setting for Romeo and Juliet is in Verona, Italy. All of the scenes take place in Verona except for Act V, Scene 1, which takes place in the city of Mantua. The time is July in an unspecified year.
The Romeo and Juliet movie starring Leonardo DiCaprio was produced in 1996.
In the seventeeth century, perhaps? No, certainly not. Romeo and Juliet was first published in 1597 and so is clearly a sixteenth-century play. It was probably written around 1595.
An exact date is unknown but Romeo and Juliet was written at some point during the years 1591 and 1595.
Romeo and Juliette was taken place in Verona Italy in the 1500s.
The play "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare is set in Verona, Italy during the 16th century.
The principal setting for Romeo and Juliet is in Verona, Italy. All of the scenes take place in Verona except for Act V, Scene 1, which takes place in the city of Mantua. The time is July in an unspecified year.
It never was?
Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet in 1595.
The Romeo and Juliet movie starring Leonardo DiCaprio was produced in 1996.
In the seventeeth century, perhaps? No, certainly not. Romeo and Juliet was first published in 1597 and so is clearly a sixteenth-century play. It was probably written around 1595.
An exact date is unknown but Romeo and Juliet was written at some point during the years 1591 and 1595.
The season and year is never mentioned in Romeo and Juliet. However, based on the dialogue most think it was set in 1590's.
The masquerade ball was held in Act 1, Scene 5 of William Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet."
Not all states have a Romeo and Juliet law and those who have are all different so no answer is possible unless you name the state this is about.