

Best Answer

"All hail Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Glamis" - what he already is

"All hail Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor" - who lives

"All hail Macbeth, that shalt be King herafter"

and for Banquo they said his children will be kings

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Q: What were the weird women's first predictions for Macbeth and Banquo?
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Which predictions for Macbeth and banquo come true first?

None of the predictions made to Banquo come true in the course of the play. The first prediction which comes true is that Macbeth will become king (He is already Thane of Cawdor when they meet the witches, so that is not a prediction.)

Why would Macbeth be motivated to murder bonque?

Macbeth decides to kill Banquo out of fear. he is afrait of Banquo out of two reasons, the first being that Banquo had defied him in act two by not agreeing to help him. the second reason is that Banquo is questioning how Macbeth got so many things go his way after the witches prophosy The third reason Macbeth is afraid is that the witches prophesise that Banquo's son will sit on the crown, if his son is sitting on the crown Macbeth will obviusly be dead

Banquo's first name in verdi's Macbeth?

According to the New York Times crossword of Sunday, 12/28/08, #1 Down: Banquo's first name is Basso.

How and why does Macbeth arrange banquos murder?

Killing Duncan has turned Macbeth into a paranoid. His "fears in Banquo stick deep"; he is afraid that he suspects him, and resents the prediction the witches made about him, that his children would be king. He hires two murderers to take Banquo and his son Fleance out, and sends a third to check up on the first two. The murderers jump Fleance and Banquo but only get Banquo.

Who does Macbeth send to carry out the murders and what happens during the attempt?

After committing the first murder himself, Macbeth sends out hired murderers to deal with Banquo and with Macduff's family. As a result, he does not kill the people he is really worried about: Macduff and Fleance (since it is Banquo's children and not Banquo he is to worry about)

Related questions

Which predictions for Macbeth and banquo come true first?

None of the predictions made to Banquo come true in the course of the play. The first prediction which comes true is that Macbeth will become king (He is already Thane of Cawdor when they meet the witches, so that is not a prediction.)

What were Banquo's thoughts in Act 3 Scene 1?

In Act 3 Scene 1 of the Shakespearean play, Banquo was thinking about the witches' predictions for him and Macbeth [c. 1014-August 15, 1057]. He recalled first that the predictions had come true for Macbeth. Macbeth had gained a powerful noble title as Thane of Cawdor and then an even more powerful royal title as King of Scotland. Banquo considered that prediction as having come true with the help of foul means by Macbeth. Banquo recalled second that the witches had addressed him as father to a long line of kings. He considered it likely that the predictions could come true for him and his family line as well. Whatever direction he was heading with the thought was interrupted by Macbeth's arrival and greeting.

Where did Macbeth request Banquo's presence after talking to the three witches?

Macbeth [d. August 15, 1057] didn't request Banquo's presence anywhere after talking to the three witches. He spoke to the witches in Act 4 Scene 1. Banquo already was dead at that time. The three murderers had killed him in Act 3 Scene 3. Instead, Macbeth requested Banquo's presence at a banquet after the murder of King Duncan I [d. August 14, 1040] and Macbeth's coronation the next day at Scone. This request was well after the first meeting of Banquo and Macbeth with the three witches.

Why would Macbeth be motivated to murder bonque?

Macbeth decides to kill Banquo out of fear. he is afrait of Banquo out of two reasons, the first being that Banquo had defied him in act two by not agreeing to help him. the second reason is that Banquo is questioning how Macbeth got so many things go his way after the witches prophosy The third reason Macbeth is afraid is that the witches prophesise that Banquo's son will sit on the crown, if his son is sitting on the crown Macbeth will obviusly be dead

Banquo's first name in verdi's Macbeth?

According to the New York Times crossword of Sunday, 12/28/08, #1 Down: Banquo's first name is Basso.

How and why does Macbeth arrange banquos murder?

Killing Duncan has turned Macbeth into a paranoid. His "fears in Banquo stick deep"; he is afraid that he suspects him, and resents the prediction the witches made about him, that his children would be king. He hires two murderers to take Banquo and his son Fleance out, and sends a third to check up on the first two. The murderers jump Fleance and Banquo but only get Banquo.

Who does Macbeth send to carry out the murders and what happens during the attempt?

After committing the first murder himself, Macbeth sends out hired murderers to deal with Banquo and with Macduff's family. As a result, he does not kill the people he is really worried about: Macduff and Fleance (since it is Banquo's children and not Banquo he is to worry about)

What does safe in a ditch in the bides mean?

In Shakespeare's play Macbeth, he decides that he needs to get rid of Banquo and his son, Fleance, because the witches prophesied that Banquo's descendants would be kings of Scotland. "Safe in a ditch he bides", is the First Murder's way of telling Macbeth that Banquo is dead.

How do we know that Banquo suspects the Macbeth's of the murder?

Yes, Banquo suspects Macbeth in Act 3 Scene 1. He meets with Macbeth in a room of the royal palace at Forres. It's after Macbeth's coronation at Scone. Banquo comments on the truth of the three witches' three predictions for Macbeth: the thaneship of Glamis and Cawdor, and the kingship of Scotland. He concludes, '...and I fear/Thou played'st most foully for 't' [Lines 2-3].

Who alone escapes macbeth's hired murderers?

Fleance escapes as his father, Benquo is killed.

How does banquo's reaction to the witches differ from Macbeth?

The witches address Macbeth first, and so Banquo says "But what about meeee? Tell meeee a prophecy." And so they do, but it is a prophecy which will not take place in Banquo's lifetime. He will not be around to see any of his descendants crowned. So he doesn't care much about it. Macbeth's prediction, on the other hand, will have to come true in his lifetime or not at all. Macbeth is naturally more caught up in the possibility the prophecy raises.

How many murderers does Macbeth send to kill banquo?

The play doesn't say so, but it is a plausible interpretation. Macbeth wants to be safe; it wouldn't be safe having these cutthroats who know he was involved in Banquo's death hanging around.