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There are more than five, but here are perhaps the best known: West Side Story (Romeo and Juliet), The Boys of Syracuse (Comedy of Errors), and Kiss Me Kate (Taming of the Shrew).

Also The Boys are Coming Home (Much Ado), Like You Like It (As You Like It, which is practically a musical to start with), Play On! (Twelfth Night), The Two Gentlemen of Verona (a musical with the same name as the play), Catch My Soul (Othello). And that doesn't count the innumerable operas based on Shakespeare's Plays.

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Q: What were the five musicals based on Shakespeare's plays?
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Shakespeares plays were all written in as were most dramatic works of his time?

five acts

In how many acts of shakespeares plays written?

Shakespeare's plays are typically structured in five acts. Each act represents a different phase of the storyline and serves to break up the narrative for the audience.

Could you name five musicals based on books?

Wicked, Les Miserables, The Phantom of the Opera, Jesus Christ Superstar, Sweeney Todd.(note: Sweeney Todd is based on a drama which is based on a book, so I count it.)

What are five musicals?

Cats Wicked Company Phantom of the Opera A Little Night Music

How many acts are there all together in all of shakespeares plays?

You are most likely going to find that there are 4 acts in a shake spear play but as far as other countries or states it may be different depending on the culture, such as in japan there are usually 4 acts. ~A2

Why do Shakespeares's plays always have 5 acts?

Dividing plays into acts, specifically five acts, was a printing convention of the time. They thought they were imitating the divisions of classical plays. In fact, Shakespeare did not compose in acts. (There were no act breaks in the Elizabethan Theater.) Shakespeare actually wrote in Scenes, more along the a Master Scene film script today.

How many people lived in the country in Shakespeares time?

England may have had around five million in 1600.

When was Five Plays created?

Five Plays was created in 1914.

Did William shakespeares plays have a good outcome?

Yes, more often than not. The ten tragedies turned out badly, and so did a couple of the histories, Richard II and Richard III in particular. Troilus and Cressida does not end happily. But that leaves twenty-five other plays where the outcome is satisfactory for most of the characters, although usually there is at least one for whom the result is not good.

How long were the intervals during shakespeares plays at the globe?

They didn't have any intervals at the Globe, because there was no reason for them. People couldn't take bathroom breaks because there were no bathrooms. At the Blackfriars, however, the lighting was by candlelight, and so they needed four brief intervals to trim and change the candles as required. This would only have taken a few minutes, but it cemented the practice of dividing the plays into five acts.

How many acts are Shakespeare's plays divided into?

shakespeare usually had plays of 5 acts each with 5 scenes

How much were the gentalmens boxes in Shakespeares time?

Groundlings paid one penny, the gallery seats were three pence, and the Lords Rooms (as they were called) were five pence.