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Q: What stage is known as afterbirth?
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What stage of labor is the afterbirth expelled?


What occurs during the afterbirth stage?

The cutting of the umbilical cord. then eatting it.

Which of the following is the last stage of childbirth when placenta and umbilical cord are pushed out?


What is the final stage in the birth process?

The final stage in the birth process is the delivery of the placenta, also known as the afterbirth. This occurs shortly after the baby is born, and it is important to ensure that it is fully expelled to prevent any complications.

What leaves the mothers body during the stage of child birth called afterbirth?

The Baby

What leave the mothers body during the stage of childbirth call afterbirth?

you deside baby , the cervix the placenta or the uterus

Which occurs during the afterbirth stage?

The mother experience hormonal changes

Do horses eat their afterbirth?

Horses may eat their afterbirth.

Which event is part of afterbirth?

The placenta that is expelled AFTER the BIRTH of a child, hence the name....afterbirth.

What are the three stages of birth?

The three stages of birth are: the dilation stage, the expulsion stage, and the placental stage.dilation stage: begins at the onset of true labor contractionsexpulsion stage: occurs when the cervix is completely dilatedplacental stage: occurs after baby is born and is when the uterine contractions break the placenta free of the endometrium and deliver it out of the body, also know as afterbirth.

What is placenta called after it is expelled from the body after childbirth?

the placenta is called an afterbirth after the baby is born

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