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memorization and the ability to remember

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Q: What other skills did actors need besides acting ability?
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What other skills did actors need besides acting ability in the globe?

diction, clarity in their words, ability to project their voices well. and if you are refering to the shakesperian era, you may want to look at peoples ability to actually read and possibly understand the words. so education was very important too. hope this helps :)

What makes Diana Ross famous?

Her singing ability and her acting skills.

Have any famous actors learned their trade by going to Acting Classes or is it all just natural ability?

Lots of famous actors went to acting school, like Marylin Monroe for example. Others didn't, but I think the best actors want to improve their skills so they go.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of an acting career?

The advantages of an acting career would be the potential for a high salary, the ability to express yourself, and networking with other actors to further develop your skills and overall experience. A disadvantage of acting is the competition. Most of the time you will have to audition for roles in movies and plays.

What Tasks Does Being an actor involve?

Acting can involve skills such as singing or dancing. It may also involve the ability to cry on command. In comedic acting, a sense of comic timing is crucial.

What skills did shakespearean actors need?

The ability to fight with swords and fall convincingly.

What skills do ballerinas need?

Strength, flexibility, co-ordination. Musicality, stage presence, acting ability. Need to be lean, and athletic.

What three skills did an Elizabethan actor need?

The same as a modern-day actor needs - Good memory, confidence and acting ability.

How do actors learn skills of acting?

well,i would say acting is a thing that someone is naturally endowed with. most actors go to teaching schools, but the fact that they were trained they cannot do better than those that are naturally endowed

How can you earn more than 500 per day?

You haven't specified what currency you are talking about. Besides, the question depends on skills, ability and of course, opportunity.

What do i do to improve my acting skills?

take acting lessons

What special skills does Justin Bieber have?

Besides the ability to whip a mass of pre-pubescent girls into a frenzy with amateurish vocals and a catchy pop beat, none worth noting.