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Q: What is the value of a Shakespeare fishing reel model ge?
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What year is a shakespeare 2210lh fishing reel?


What is the Value of a JC Higgins 3104 Model 470 fishing reel?

Condition is ever thing! If the reel is complete and in like new condition $45.00. If not $10.00 To 20.00.

What is the value of a jc Higgins fishing reel 537 3103?

About 5.00

What is the approx value of a Ted Williams fishing reel model 393 413230 made by Sears Roebuck in good condition?

It is worth $28.77 in good condition.

What state did wiliam shakespeare live in?

Are you talking about William Shakespeare the world-famous playwright? Because he was not born in the United States at all, but in England. The United States did not exist when Shakespeare was alive. Of course, you could be thinking of William Shakespeare Jr. who founded the Shakespeare Fishing Reel company and invented in 1896 a device to make sure that fishing line wound evenly onto the reel. He was born in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

What is a Sears Roebuck Co Ted Williams model 440 fishing reel model number 77931385 worth?


Who was Shakespeare school named for?

Probably William Shakespeare 1564-1616. But depending on the school, it might be anyone else called Shakespeare. It could be William Shakespeare Jr. ?-1950, the inventor of the even-winding fishing reel.

What is the value on a Shakespeare reel?

$1.99? Shakespeare makes a number of different reels. May help if you ask about a specific one.

When did Reel Fishing III happen?

Reel Fishing III happened in 2003.

When did Reel Fishing Challenge happen?

Reel Fishing Challenge happened in 2009.

When did Reel Fishing II happen?

Reel Fishing II happened in 2000.

What is the value of a Johnson sidewinder fishing reel- model 22?

I was informed by an owner of a Johnson Model 80 Sidewinder Reel that his reel had an estimated appraised value of around $65.00. He also stated that he figured the Johnson Model 22 Sidewinder was a predecessor to the Model 80 Sidewinder and therefor probably worth around $75.00 to $100.00, or maybe even a little more. I'm not sure if this is true or not, so if anyone else out there has a more informed estimated value I'd greatly appreciate hearing it. Thanks, and I hope this at least helps a little bit as to the answer to the question as to what the Johnson Model 22 Sidewinder Reel is worth. Sincerely; Farmhandcowboy10