The combination of letters "tmov" is not meaningful in English and does not occur anywhere in the titles or text of any of Shakespeare's plays.
It is possible that this question refers to the play, "(T)wo Gentle(men) (o)f
They were called "groundlings."
Neither the title nor the text of any of Shakespeare's Plays start with that combination of letters. It could be the initials of A Winter's Tale.
Actors. The performers in any play are called actors.
Shakespeares "Othello"
The audience
love labours one
The Globe Theatre
They were called "groundlings."
Neither the title nor the text of any of Shakespeare's Plays start with that combination of letters. It could be the initials of A Winter's Tale.
Actors. The performers in any play are called actors.
Shakespeares "Othello"
The audience
The Comedy of Errors is about two sets of identical twins. Twelfth Night is also about twins.
Julius Caesar
Romeo & Juliet