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The act of applauding; approbation and praise publicly expressed by clapping the hands, stamping or tapping with the feet, acclamation, huzzas, or other means; marked commendation.

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Justyn Kuhic

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Q: What is the meaning of applause?
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What part of speech is applause?

Applause is a noun.

What is the meaning of Curtain call?

n. The appearance of performers or a performer at the end of a performance to receive applause from the audience.

How do you say applause in French?

To applause (verb) is "applaudir" in French; a round of applause is 'des applaudissements'.

What is Applause a group of?

Applause is a group of people clapping or cheering in appreciation of something, such as a performance or achievement.

How do you make a sentence with applause?

Please hold hold your applause.

When was Applause Records created?

Applause Records was created in 1981.

When did Applause Records end?

Applause Records ended in 1983.

When was Applause Inc. created?

Applause Inc. was created in 1966.

What is the collective noun for applause?

The collective noun is a round of applause.

When was Daihatsu Applause created?

Daihatsu Applause was created in 1989.

What is the word meaning of to slap the palm of your hands together?

The word meaning for this action is "applause." It is a way for people to show appreciation or approval by clapping the palms of their hands together.