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It's Apparently Still a Riddle...

There seem to be various contenders for what is considered the hardest riddle in the world. Here are some brain-twisting responses from WikiAnswers contributors:


  • I turn polar bears white

    And I will make you cry.

    I make guys have to pee

    And girls comb their hair.

    I make celebrities look stupid

    And normal people look like celebrities.

    I turn pancakes brown

    And make your champagne bubble.

    If you squeeze me, I'll pop.

    If you look at me, you'll pop.

  • Can you answer this riddle? - 97% of Harvard graduates couldn't answer this, but 84% of kindergarten students could (in less than 6 minutes).

Answer: The answer is "pressure," although some people have argued that the answer is "time" because it refers to the following poem. The simple answer is either Yes or No, because that is what the question literally asks, and kids would give up sooner.


The time has come,

winter is here

and those yellow bears disappear.

The time has past

as man looks back with a sigh

and a tear in his eye.

As time is held

boys cross their legs

but of course the toilet begs

As time marches on

Girls loose their blush

and swap a comb for their brush

As time passes

For those held high

their end is nigh

As time catches up

Everyone is equal

when we get to the final sequel

As time turns

Without it we have flour and water

With it we have breakfast for my daughter

As time revolves

into something so fine

As time runs out

The more in a minute you try and squeeze

the less you can do with ease.

As time ticks

All the time that has past

man cannot comprehend something so vast.

(See Related question.)

2) The Chicken Riddle

If a chicken says, "All Chickens are liars" is the chicken telling the truth?

Answer: Chickens can't talk!

3) Village of Truths/Village of Lies

A man is traveling to a town and comes to a fork in the road. If he goes left, he goes to the liars' village. If he goes right, he then goes to the village of truths - which is where he wants to go. However, he does not know which way is which.

He doesn't have time to go both routes, so he approaches a stranger who is standing in the middle of the fork. The stranger says he may only ask 3 questions and he will answer them.

The man asks, "Are you from the village of truths?" The stranger says, "Yes!" However, the man is still facing a dilemma: If the stranger was from the village of truths he can only tell the truth, but if he was from the village of liars, he would say he was from the village of truth.

So then he asks the stranger, "Are you telling the truth?" The stranger says, "Yes!" But sadly this leaves the man in the same position as before.

Can you figure it out ?

Answer: The man finally realizes that what he must do is ask the stranger the path back to his own village. If he was from village of truths, he takes him there. Even if he is from the village of liars, he will still take him to the village of truths.

4) What am I ?

If you look you cannot see me. And if you see me you cannot see anything else. I can make anything you want happen, but later everything goes back to normal. What am I?

Answer: Your imagination

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14y ago
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12y ago

The most famous riddle that has been known to be very difficult to answer is related to Greek mythology and the riddle from The Sphinx: What creature walks on 4 legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs at night?

Answer: a Human Being - crawls as a baby, walks upright when mature, and uses a cane in old age.

the answer is 'no' because the riddle is

I turn polar bears white

and I will make you cry.

I make guys have to pee

and girls comb their hair.

I make celebrities look stupid

and normal people look like celebrities.

I turn pancakes brown

and make your champagne bubble.

If you squeeze me, I'll pop.

If you look at me, you'll pop.

Can you guess the riddle?

You can guess the riddle but you may not know the answer. You can always guess stuff. By the way the answer is "time". ;)


Your answer isn't right. The ACTUAL answer is "pressure".

There was a man in a town called Nantucket. he owned a small garage on 42 westville boulevard, he made $30,000 a year, had 3 cats and owned a Honda civic. what was his middle name?

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12y ago

I turn polar bears white

And I will make you cry.

I make celebrities look stupid

And normal people look like celebrities.

I turn pancakes brown

And make your champagne bubble.

If you squeeze me, I'll pop.

If you look at me, you'll pop.

Can you answer this riddle?



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14y ago

There are many different opinions on what some of the world's hardest riddles are. Following are a few riddles WikiAnswers contributors have submitted as being the most difficult:

The Chicken Riddle

If a chicken says, "All Chickens are liars" is the chicken telling the truth?

Chickens can't talk!

Village of Truths/Village of Lies

A man was traveling to a town and comes to a fork in the road. If he went left he goes to liars village. If he went right he then goes to the village of truths, which is where he wants to go. However, he does not know which way is which.

He doesn't have time to go both routes so he approaches a stranger that is standing in the middle of the fork.

The stranger says he may only ask 3 questions and he would answer them.

So the man asks, "Are you from the village of truths?"

The stranger says, "Yes!" However, the man is still facing a dilemma if the stranger was from the village of truths he can only tell the truth, but if he was from the village of liars he would say he was from the village of truth.

So then he asks the stranger, "Are you telling the truth?" The stranger says, "Yes!" But sadly this leaves the man in the same position as before.

Can you figure it out ?

The man finally realises that what he must do is ask the stranger to take him back to his own village. If he was from village of truths he takes him there. Even if he is from lhe village of lairs he will still take him to the village of truths.


If you look you can not see me and if you see me you can not see anything else.

I can make anything you want happen, But later everything goes back to normal.

What am I?

Your imagination

To put it simple (since hard and easy can be measured by different perspectives which is ever going), the hardest riddle is a riddle which is in the end the truth.

Here's the whole riddle:

" turn polar bears white

And I will make you cry.

I make guys have to pee

And girls comb their hair.

I make celebrities look stupid

And normal people look like celebrities.

I turn pancakes brown

And make your champane bubble.

If you sqeeze me, I'll pop.

If you look at me, you'll pop.

Can you guess the riddle?"

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8y ago

A man lives on the 31st floor of an apartment building and takes the elevator all the way down to the bottom to go to work everyday. When he returns from work, he takes that same elevator only up to the 16th floor and then gets out and walks up the stairs the rest of the way - except on days when it rains when he takes it all the way to the 31st floor. Why does he do this?


......He is a midget and can only reach up to the 16th floor button on the elevator! On days when it rains he takes an umbrella which he can use to push the higher buttons.

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15y ago

Here's a few, you decide: "What is the meaning of life?" "How much does God weigh?" "How many 0s are in infinity?" "What's the answer to the question I'm thinking?" "What comes after the end of the universe?" there's more, but you get the idea...

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13y ago

Those that are in languages you do not speak.

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13y ago

There is no single hardest riddle in the world. Each riddle has it's difficulties, and what may be easy for you, might be hard for someone else.

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14y ago

You just asked it.

Two legs on the ground and three legs overhead,

and the head of the living in the mouth of the dead. What is it?

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