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Q: What is the answer to bilbos first riddle?
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Bilbo's surname is Baggins.

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The address of the Riddle Branch Library is: 637 First St, Riddle, 97469 M

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Tom Riddle first killed his dad at the age of 14 (or later) .

What is the Answer to Cleopatra's Riddle?

First of all you need the riddle. Here is one. Why did Cleopatra cross the tomb? To get in!

Which riddle is the hardest known-to-man?

I am the hardest riddle alive! wich comes first the Lego or my ego?

Who has the hat riddle?

The answer to the riddle is the first person to make a sound after you start saying the riddle :) it may include any sound like an answer or a cough or laughing :D

Who came up with the first riddle?

The sphinx.

What is the answer to Gollum's riddle?

The answer to the first riddle is : Mountain the second is : Wind the third is : Dark the fourth is : Fish the fifth is : Time