Comparison of FCFS SJF round robin algos?
FCFS = First Come First Serve SJF = Shortest Job First Round
Robin = Skip from one job to the next giving each job an equal
amount of processing time. (up to you or given)
In an example: You have 4 jobs ahead of you. JobC, JobA, JobB,
JobD and they were handed in to you, in that order. JobA will take
2 hours to do, JobB will take 1 hour, JobC will take 5 hours, and
JobD will take 9 hours. FCFS, basically would mean you finish JobC
first, since it came to you first. Then when JobC was done, you
would work on JobA and so on. SJF, you would finish JobB first,
then JobA, then JobC and then JobD. Round Robin, you would work on
JobC for 1 hour, then JobA for 1 hour, then JobB for 1 hour and
then JobD for 1 hour, and repeat.