dorAn interaction between two or more individual compounds that produces an effect upon the body (or an organism)GREATER than either of the substances alone would have produced.
what is the reaction mechanism between wagner's reagent and alkaloids
The mother's reaction to her daughters performance in Two Kinds is that of jubilation.
What is a synergistic relationship in an information system?
Northwest Synergistic Software was created in 1978.
A good example of synergistic communication is trusting one another. Feeling safe and trusting somebody is using synergistic communication.
The word 'synergistic' comes from the word synergy which means things being more powerful together than they are on their own. Synergistic therefore means something that is combining well with something else.
what is the synergistic effect of cognitive modeling in human computer interaction
The anagram is synergistic.
it is syngergistic
It is probably the leg
The synergistic effect is the result of at least two agents or substances that work together. The work produces an outcome all agree upon.
Trapezius 1
strategic, synergistic, and operational
strategic, synergistic, and operational