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Suicide in the trenches is an intriging poem about the horrific and crucial aspects of war. Siegfield Sasson uses a variety of poetic languiage features to illustrate an important message of the atrocities of war. The poem comprises of three stanzas, in the first stanza sassoon uses First person I this demonstrates that he would have been connected to the character or shared similar experiecnes in relation to war. The use of alliteration Simple soldier boy potrays how naive and ordianry this perosn was who would have possibly beleved there was merit in being a soldier and even lied about his age to get into the army. The methaphor in the next sentence laughed at life in empty joy depicts how this perosn was easily made happy in life and would have not faced hardships in his young life and show how to an extent how immature this person would have been at the time before he left for war. The use of alliteration again by Sasson with Slept Soundly shows how he had nothing to fear and lived life to the full with the hope of awaking tomorrow. The onomatopoia whistled early with the lark potrays how he looked forward to his life and embraced everything that came his way and in the first stanza with his poetic devices he inflicts a sense of sereneity and sets the scene of a happy joyful youngman.


I knew a simple soldier boy,

Who Grinned at life in empty joy,

Slept Soundly through the lonesome dark,

And whistled early with the lark.

In winter trenches, crowed and glum,

With crumps and lice and lack of rum,

He put a bullet through his brain.

No-one spoke of him again.

You smug faced crowds with kindling eye

Who cheer when soldier lads march by,

Sneak home and pray you'll never know,

The hell where youth and laughter go.

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13y ago
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15y ago

"Suicide In The Trenches" by Siegfried Sassoon ia about a young man who is very happy and has a good life until... He goes to fight in ww1 and his life is ruined. he gets so upset he kills himself. Sassoon then goes on to criticise the crowds of people who cheer on the war and the soldiers although secretly they are glad they don't have to fight. The poem follows:

I knew a simple soldier boy

who grinned in life at empty joy

slept soundly through the lonesome dark

and whistled early with the lark

In winter trenches, cowed and glum

with crumps and lice and lack of rum

he put a bullet through his brain

no one spoke of him again

You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye

who cheer when soldier lads march by

sneak home and pray you'll never know

the hell where youth and laughter go.

Siegfried Sassoon

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12y ago

The structure has been organised into three stanzas in each stanza there are four lines with eight syllables and seven syllables in the second stanza fourth line. The reason why the poet has structured the poem like this is so that the reader could keep the rhythm of the poem flowing. The reason he has put

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When was Suicide in the Trenches created?

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Sassoon wrote "Suicide in the Trenches" to highlight the harsh reality of war and the devastating impact it had on soldiers' mental health. The poem exposes the despair and hopelessness felt by soldiers fighting in the trenches during World War I, ultimately shedding light on the futility and senselessness of the conflict.

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