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Loose plot in drama is when an actor captivates his/her audience without following script

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Q: What is loose plot in drama?
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Related questions

What is the essence of drama and the backbone of plot?

Conflict is the essence of drama and the backbone of plot.

What are the 3 plot lines in drama?

the three main plot lines in drama, are the beginning, middle, and end.

What is a loose plot in film?

The term 'loose plot' is not a phrase that any screenwriter aims for in telling a story on film.In a film plot, however, there are'loose ends': story elements that are not resolved'red herrings': clues included to mislead the audience on purposeA loose plot could be a term used by a critic to describe a period drama funded to show off the scenery or the characters in costume that lacks dramatic tension or comedic relief, and so forth.

Five elements of drama?

characters, audience, theme, dialogue and plot

Does plot include set design in drama?


What is a starting point to develop a drama?

is it nothing

What are the types and forms of drama?

forms of drama are genre. melodrama. plot. setting .comedy. playfilms. stactle.

What is drama what are the kinds of drama what are the elements of drama?

The kinds of drama are the comedy, tragedy, farce, melodramaand musical.The elements of drama are characters, setting, plot, dialog, design, theme and stage directions.

What are the six components of drama?

- rising action - dialogues -scripts -plot

Can you find me a plot summary for Sherlock Holmes a drama in four acts?

Links below for the entire script and a plot summary.

What is aristotle's definition of plot?

Aristotle defined plot as the more important element of drama. It must have a beginning, middle, and end. The events of the plot must be related and believable.

What is the name for the principle character in a drama or the plot of a story?

protagonist protagonist, I think