Its is said that later in his life jonson has influeneced a group of young men whoare called the Cavaleir Poets Jessica Simpon carrie Underwood Singers and actors like that
well in victorian times some singers were; james bear carol claire hilary rachel cecilia benifit keirstin armstrong
A group of dancers are called a troupe
No, I don't know where you got that idea, but a group of flamingos is called a flock.
A group of singers is known as a choir.
A group of eight anything is called an "octet".
a choir
A group of four musicians or singers are called a quartet. A group of five musicians or singers are called a quintet.
It is called a choir or a band
a big band
choir... chorus and many more names! you need to be more specific!
A group of 5 singers is typically called a quintet, a group of 6 singers is called a sextet, a group of 7 singers is called a septet, a group of 8 singers is called an octet, and a group of 9 singers is called a nonet. These terms are commonly used in music to describe vocal ensembles of varying sizes.
a band , or a 'group' or a 'choir'. In my book, a 'band' is chiefly instrumental. a tour of singers
A trio.
A sextet.
Choral music