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Q: What is a typical day for a zebra?
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How many zebra's can a zebra have in a day?

One posiblly two

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what migth have been typical day for him

How does a zebra eat per day?

As much wood as a Zebar ccould chuck if a Zebra could chuck wood.

What is a typical day like for a secretary?

the typical day of a secratary is very challenging..

What is a typical day of filmmaking?

There's no such thing as "typical day". That is why is so much fun.

How many miles can a zebra run every day?

Up to 7 miles a day

What is a typical day at a marine boot camp?

Anything but typical.

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What did mission nuestra senora de la soledad do on a typical day?

what is a typical day at mission Soledad

How far does a zebra travel in a day?

depends how much sleep it's had

What does typical day means?

A typical day is a day at work that's alike all the rest of the days. This meaning the tempo or normal activities that take place most of the time is what's happening again on a typical day.