4 quavers = one minim
Yes, as in the same way, when a dot is put after a minim becomes a dotted minim, a dot after a minim rest makes it a dotted minim rest.
The value of a minim rest is identical to that of a minim note.
The dotted minim is a minim note in which the time value is extended by a half of its value by a dot.
what dose a minim in music do?
A dotted minim is a three beat note in music.
A minim has 2 beats it's like a crotchet except white in it dot
2 times a crotchet in music is a minim. A crotchet is one beat and a minim is two.
Minim is a palindrome for a type of music note
3 minim bets \
In music, a "minim" is a note played half as long as a whole note. Where a "crochet" is a note played one quarter of a whole note (or seimbreve).
Its the same as the minim rest but upside down.