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Summer Summer is so fun You get to wear your short skirts Eat lots of ice cream Go swimming with all your frinds It feels like a dream it may not be the best but its pretty good. RITE??????

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Q: What is a good tanka for summer?
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From what country does tanka poetry come from?

where does tanka poetry come from?

Examples of tanka?

Tanka are a five line, short lyric poem originally from Japan. The ancient Japanese were composing them even before they were literate (7th century AD); they sang them as songs. For more than a thousand years tanka was the dominant form of Japanese poetry. It lost its pre-eminent place when haiku was invented in the 17th century, but it continues to be written to this day. Famous tanka poets in Japan sell millions of copies of their books are celebrity writers with tv shows and newspaper columns. Tanka were adopted into English at the end of the 19th century. However, the Japanese form of 5-7-5-7-7 syllables did not adapt very well to English; due to differences in the structure of the languages, an English poem is able to pack about twice as much information into the same number of syllables. Thus writers in English abandoned syllable-counting and instead strove for the lightness, suppleness, and flexibility of the tanka form. The aesthetics are considered more important than the syllable count. Writing in 1922, Jun Fujita, a Japanese-American tanka poets remarked that poets who count syllables have adopted the "carcass" but not the "essence" of Japanese poetry. Amateur poets often write tanka in the 5-7-5-7-7 form because they have not been exposed to the more than one hundred years of tanka literature written and published in English, and most short descriptions of tanka merely note the syllable requirements in Japanese with no discussion of aesthetics. A number of mistaken ideas are forwarded about tanka poems: that they are the love poems of courtiers, that they are a question and response composed by two people, that they are always about nature, etc. Historically speaking, good taste ruled the works of courtiers, but in the modern era no subject or approach is taboo. While love and nature continue to be popular topics for tanka (as indeed they are popular in most genres of poetry), tanka may be written about anything and everything. Humorous, satiric, or just plain oddball tanka are called 'kyoka.' Most journals and anthologies publish tanka and kyoka together without distinction, but there is one journal, Prune Juice : A Journal of Kyoka and Senryu, that specifically publishes kyoka. Tanka Central, the megasite of tanka poetry in English, is hosted at, and has many links to journals and resources. MET Press also publishes The Tanka Teachers Guide as well as Take Five : Best Contemporary Tanka, the anthology series. Volume One has an excellent introduction to the topic, and the approximately 300 tanka in the anthology are a digest of the best work being done in English today. In addition, the website offers lessons to novice poets and exhibitions by well-known tanka poets from around the world. The Tanka Society of America, Tanka Canada, and the Anglo-Japanese Tanka Society all provide resources and publish journals. An international resource guide appears in issue 7 of Atlas Poetica : A Journal of Poetry of Place in Contemporary Tanka. ATPO 7 is devoted to tanka in translation, and features work in Innu, French, Spanish, Romanian, Lithuania, Hebrew, German, Dutch, Flemish, Afrikaans, Japanese, Chinese, Luganda, Fante, Ewe and Twi (Akuapem). The following tanka appear in the Introduction to Take Five, Vol 1, Baltimore, MD: MET Press, 2008: the old woman with a walking stick bent over her daughter's grave like a question mark André Surridge I could tell from the look in her eyes the cancer had spread from her lungs to her liver and into both our lives Barbara Robidoux only a one sentence rebuke to my kid and all day the lousy after-taste Sanford Goldstein I am I am not I am as I walk in & out of mist A. A. Marcoff and when the sand runs out? the stillness of the hourglass and I are one Denis M. Garrison this past August, all at once, the abuse of a decade condensed into a bullet- there's a house for sale in our neighborhood Larry Kimmel a rooster on a leg string stands at the end of his world daring traffic- even a chicken feels the pinch of a tethered life William Hart blood-soaked the bodies littering the marketplace this hot afternoon one melon and a small child not hit by flying shrapnel C. W. Hawes suddenly sunglint sparrows suddenly gone Jim Kacian still held by the sound of a shakuhachi flute I walk out into the wind with holes in my bones Peter Yovu in the deep silence of scorching midday heat, my mother's spine remembers our wartime defeat Mariko Kitakubo hot august an open fire hydrant flushes out the whole under-ten neighborhood Art Stein As you can see, a wide variety of forms, subjects, and approaches are typical of tanka in English in the 21st century.

What is an example of tanka poem?

A Tanka consists of 5 lines. Each line consists of a specified number of "on". (The closest English equivilant is syllables). The lines should be as follows: First line: 5 on Second line: 7 on Third line: 5 on Fourth line: 7 on Fifth line: 7 on These poems are similar to haikus

What is a tanku poem?

its is not tanku its tanka here is the meaning Tanka poems are short, lyrical poetry structured in 31 syllables arranged in groups of 5, 7, 5, 7 and 7, syllables, in a two-part form with the first part in 5, 7, 5, and the second part in 7 and 7.

What is the name of a poem that doesn't rhyme?

Free verse, cinquain, maybe name poem, hiaku, and tanka really most poems don't rhyme