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- Her mother was still known from today because, she fighted for the rights in women being equal to men. Women still stand look up to her as a roll model, a idol.

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Q: What is Mary Shelley's mother still known for?
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What is Mary Shelleys middle name?

Mary Shelley's middle name was Wollstonecraft, named after her mother, Mary Wollstonecraft, a notable early feminist thinker and writer.

Mary Shelleys mother was Mary Wollstonecraft a famous author?

Yes, that's correct. Mary Wollstonecraft was a famous author and feminist philosopher, known for her work "A Vindication of the Rights of Woman." Mary Shelley, the author of "Frankenstein," was her daughter.

What was Mary Shelleys most famous novel?

Mary shelleys most famous novel was Frankenstein, it revolutionised how we though of our picture of life

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Mary Shelley's stepmother was Mary Jane Clairmont.

Where was Mary Shelleys Frankenstein set?

Ingolstadt, Bavaria.

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What happend to marry Shelleys mother?

Mary Shelley's mother, Mary Wollstonecraft, died shortly after giving birth to her. Wollstonecraft experienced complications from the childbirth and passed away due to puerperal fever. This unfortunate event had a lasting impact on Mary Shelley's life and influenced her writing.

Who is the Real Monster in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein?

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mrs Denna Shelley Mr Martain Shelley

Who created the monster in Mary Shelleys novel frankinstein?

Doctor Frankenstein of course.

Why were Mary Shelleys parents famous and what were their achievements?

they wher famous for nothung at all