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Antigone believes that Ismene is a traitor to her family becausy she doesn't want to help Antigone bury their brother Polynieces. Ismene cares more about herself thatn her brother's afterlife.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Angrily, bitterly, stubbornly and unappreciativelyare the ways in which Antigone responds to Ismene's confession of helping her sister in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).

Specifically, Theban Princess Antigone is angry and bitter about having to leave her brother Polyneices above ground and covered by only a layer of dust, which is all she can manage without her sister Ismene's help. She is stubborn about not accepting Ismene's remorseful efforts to share in the blame. Lastly, she is unappreciative of Ismene's attempts for a lighter sentence if not a complete pardon.

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13y ago

Not much seems to be how Antigone truly feels about her sister Ismene in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).

There are just two interactions between Antigone and Ismene, sisters and Theban princesses. Both end up in fighting and name-calling. In the first, Antigone flings the insult of Ismene being basely born, and in the second she basically calls her a hypocrite and a liar. She never mentions Ismene again. Additionally, at one point, Antigone speaks as though Ismene is dead or disowned since she describes herself as the only surviving child of her parents, disgraced Theban monarchs Oedipus and Jocasta.

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15y ago

Antigone shows her displeasure when her sister Ismene refuses to help bury their dead brother Polyneices. Antigone has strong notions of correct and incorrect ways of leading one's life. She neither considers another's view point nor allows for compromise. So she finds it unacceptable that Ismene holds a different opinion on breaking city laws. Antigone subsequently is arrested and charged with breaking the law about non-burial of the disloyal Theban dead. Ismene seems to want to make up for not having helped her sister previously. So she suggests sharing Antigone's punishment. But Antigone can't forget differences of opinion, and refuses the offer.

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13y ago

In an attempt to share in the blame and the punishmentIsmene claims to help Antigone in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).

Specifically, Theban Princess Ismene refuses to help her sister Antigone bury their brother Polyneices. King Creon, their uncle, requires upon pain of death that Polyneices' body be left above ground for consumption by birds and dogs. Upon learning of Antigone's arrest and imminent sentencing, Ismene tries to share or soften the punishment by claiming participation in the crime.

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13y ago

That it is not true and too little too late is Antigone's reaction to Ismene's help in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).

Specifically, Theban Princess Antigone has integrity and a strong sense of family. She is not about to get a lighter sentence or a pardon through a lie. She will not be budged just because her sister Princess Ismene is having a twinge of conscience.

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13y ago

That she can use some help and then that she wants nothing to do with her is what Antigone says to her sister in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).

Specifically, Theban Princess Antigone decides to break her uncle's law and bury her brother Polyneices. She has to have help in order to give Polyneices a below ground burial. But Ismene is afraid of the consequences since breaking their uncle King Creon's law carries the death sentence. Antigone is captured and sentenced to death. Ismene pretends that she is an accessory, in an attempt to share or lighten the punishment or possibly even secure a pardon. But Antigone remembers Ismene's earlier refusal to help and rejects any belated assistance or further interaction.

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14y ago

Ismene initially believes that Antigone is a good friend for disobeying the law to bury her own brother, but Ismene will not disobey the law herself, in fear.

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10y ago

Antigone approaches her sister Ismene with a plan to defy their Uncle and bury their brother. Ismene replies that they are women and as women they must obey their Uncle.

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Q: What is Antigone's reaction to Ismene's help in 'Antigone'?
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Why does Antigone refuse to permit Ismene to share responsibility for burying Polyneices in 'Antigone'?

That it is a lie is the reason why Antigone refuses to permit Ismene to share responsibility for burying Polyneices in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban Princess Antigones asks her sister Ismene to help give their brother Polyneices' body a proper below-ground burial. Ismene refuses out of fear of the death penalty for breaking one of their uncle King Creon's laws. Antigone seeks capture for giving Polyneices a partial burial under a layer of dust because the royal law contradicts divine will and Theban traditions. She wants to make a statement in suffering the consequences and not to have anything to do with a sister whom she considers base.

What does Antigone ask Ismene to decide in 'Antigone'?

To decide wether she's going to help her or not

What does Antigone ask her sister to do in 'Antigone'?

Help her bury their brother is what Antigone asks her sister to do in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban Princess Antigone asks her sister, Princess Ismene, to help bury their brother Polyneices. With Ismene, Antigone can give her brother the below ground burial to which he is entitled. Without her, Antigone can give no more than a partial burial under a layer of dust.

Why does ismene refuse to help Antigone?

Ismene refuses to help Antigone because she follows Creon's laws. She knows the outcome of what will happen, and though she wishes to help Antigone, she claims herself as just a 'woman', meaning they can't fight against the men, and the laws they set up in their life. in the end though, Ismene comes in to help Antigone, when she finally realizes what is actually right.

Who refuses to help Antigone bury the body in 'Antigone'?

Ismene refuses to help Antigone bury the body in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban Princess Ismene is the younger sister of Princess Antigone and of twin brothers Eteocles and Polyneices. Eteocles and Polyneices kill each other, and Eteocles receives a below-ground burial and proper funeral rites, both of which are denied to Polyneices. Antigone wants to bury Polyneices and will have to do so alone since Ismene refuses to help.

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Why does Antigone refuse to permit Ismene to share responsibility for burying Polyneices in 'Antigone'?

That it is a lie is the reason why Antigone refuses to permit Ismene to share responsibility for burying Polyneices in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban Princess Antigones asks her sister Ismene to help give their brother Polyneices' body a proper below-ground burial. Ismene refuses out of fear of the death penalty for breaking one of their uncle King Creon's laws. Antigone seeks capture for giving Polyneices a partial burial under a layer of dust because the royal law contradicts divine will and Theban traditions. She wants to make a statement in suffering the consequences and not to have anything to do with a sister whom she considers base.

What does Antigone ask Ismene to decide in 'Antigone'?

To decide wether she's going to help her or not

What does Antigone ask her sister to do in 'Antigone'?

Help her bury their brother is what Antigone asks her sister to do in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban Princess Antigone asks her sister, Princess Ismene, to help bury their brother Polyneices. With Ismene, Antigone can give her brother the below ground burial to which he is entitled. Without her, Antigone can give no more than a partial burial under a layer of dust.

Why does ismene refuse to help Antigone?

Ismene refuses to help Antigone because she follows Creon's laws. She knows the outcome of what will happen, and though she wishes to help Antigone, she claims herself as just a 'woman', meaning they can't fight against the men, and the laws they set up in their life. in the end though, Ismene comes in to help Antigone, when she finally realizes what is actually right.

What does Antigone need in 'Antigone'?

Help in burying her brother is what Antigone needs in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban Princess Antigone does not have the strength to bury her brother Polyneices properly on her own. A proper Theban burial is below ground and accompanied by funereal rites. Antigone knows that with or without help she can carry out the proper anointing. But without help she must give her brother a partial burial whereby his body is left above ground but covered with a layer of dust.

Who refuses to help Antigone bury the body in 'Antigone'?

Ismene refuses to help Antigone bury the body in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban Princess Ismene is the younger sister of Princess Antigone and of twin brothers Eteocles and Polyneices. Eteocles and Polyneices kill each other, and Eteocles receives a below-ground burial and proper funeral rites, both of which are denied to Polyneices. Antigone wants to bury Polyneices and will have to do so alone since Ismene refuses to help.

Why does Ismene refuse in 'Antigone'?

Fear of the consequences is the reason for Ismene's refusal in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban Princess Antigone asks her sister Ismene to help her break a royal edict and bury their brother Polyneices. Ismene does not want to help since an act of defiance will be met with a punitive reaction. Ismene in fact fears the consequences since the punishment is the humiliating, painful death by being pelted by stone-throwing Theban peers.

What does Antigone accuse Ismene?

Ismene wouldn't help Antigone bury the body of their brother, but when Antigone is caught she won't let Ismene take any of the blame because she was loyal to the law and not to her family.

Who refuses to help Antigone bury her brother?

Ismene, her sister

Does Antigone use a shovel to bury her brother in 'Antigone'?

No, Antigone does not use a shovel to bury her brother in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban Princess Antigone uses just her hands to bury her brother Polyneices. She says that with her sister Ismene's help she can give their brother a below-ground burial. Without her help, Antigone just has enough strength for a partial burial, whereby the body is left above ground and covered with a layer of dust.

Who refuses to bury her brother in 'Antigone'?

Ismene refuses to bury her brother in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban Princess Antigone speaks of the recent law that denies god-given burial rites to the perceived enemies of King Creon, her uncle and future father-in-law. By this law, the body of Antigone's brother Polyneices will be left above ground and exposed to the ravages of weather and wildlife. Antigone says that with her sister Ismene's help Polyneices can be buried below ground. Without that help, Antigone will have to leave him above ground but covered with a layer of dust. Ismene refuses to help.

Whom does Antigone ask to help bury her brother in 'Antigone'?

Her sister Ismene is the person whom Antigone asks to help bury her brother in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban Princess Antigone decides to bury her brother Polyneices and thereby break a royal edict against burial of the disloyal Theban dead. But her own strength is not enough to give Polyneices a below-ground burial. She needs help, which she thinks should be forthcoming from Polyneices' only other surviving relative, Princess Ismene.