Suzanne S Ageton has written:
'Facts about sexual assault from the NCPCR National Center for the Prevention and Control of Rape' -- subject(s): Youth, Rapists, Sexual behavior, Sex crimes, Rape victims
Rosalie Suzanne Maas has written: 'The Bible for everyman' -- subject(s): Bible, Commentaries
Suzanne Perraud has written: 'DEVELOPMENT OF THE DEPRESSION COPING SELF-EFFICACY SCALE' -- subject(s): Cognitive psychology, Health Sciences, Mental Health, Health Sciences, Nursing, Mental Health Health Sciences, Nursing Health Sciences, Psychology, Cognitive, Psychology, Psychometrics, Psychometrics Psychology
Bertha S. Msora has written: 'I will wait'
S. J. Michaels has written: 'Dieback'
S. Sarpkaya has written: 'The money market in Canada'
Arthur Ainsley Ageton has written: 'Manual of celestial navigation' -- subject(s): Tables, Nautical astronomy, Navigation 'Dead reckoning altitude and azimuth table' -- subject(s): Tables, Navigation
Suzanne Caporeal has written: 'Suzanne Caporeal' -- subject(s): Exhibitions
Suzanne Pierot has written: 'Suzanne's garden secrets' -- subject(s): Gardening
Suzanne Chantal has written: 'France' -- subject(s): Pictorial works
Suzanne E. Dennis has written: 'Answer me that!' -- subject(s): Nonsense verses
Suzanne Roberts has written: 'Catholic childhoods' -- subject(s): Elementary schools
Suzanne Mourot has written: 'This was Sydney' -- subject(s): History, Pictorial works
Suzanne Goldenberg has written: 'Pride of small nations' -- subject(s): History
Suzanne Lowry has written: 'The Princess in the mirror' -- subject(s): Biography, Princesses
Suzanne S. Jones has written: 'The Low-Cholesterol Food Processor Cookbook/Sp-162P'
Suzanne Noguere has written: 'Little Koala' -- subject(s): Koala, Juvenile literature
Suzanne Mockler has written: 'Milton Manor, Oxfordshire' -- subject(s): Milton Manor