Forename Author Surname has written: 'Title'
It was written by an anonymous author It was written by an anonymous author
Author of a Woman of Pleasure. has written: 'Genuine memoirs of the celebrated Miss Maria Brown'
Anita Rampal has written: 'The \\'
Strategicus. has written: 'Can Britain be invaded?'
Nachum Shifren has written: 'Kill Your Teacher'
H. Braverman has written: 'Labor and monopoly capital'
Robert Braverman has written: 'Here is your hobby ... slot car racing'
Harvey Braverman has written: 'Precalculus Mathematics' -- subject(s): Mathematics
Nachum Gidal has written: 'In the thirties' 'The land of Israel' -- subject(s): Pictorial works, History, Jews in Palestine
Joseph Ben Simha Braverman has written: 'Introduction to the biochemistry of foods'
A. S. Braverman has written: 'Dinamika vertoleta' -- subject(s): Aerodynamics, Helicopters, Mathematical models
Jordan Braverman has written: 'Crisis in health care' -- subject(s): Medical care, Medical economics
IrwinMerton Braverman has written: 'Skin signs of systemic disease' -- subject(s): Cutaneous manifestations of general diseases
Miriam Braverman has written: 'Youth, society, and the public library' -- subject(s): Cleveland Public Library, Enoch Pratt Free Library, History, New York Public Library, Young adults' libraries
Debra Braverman has written: 'Heal your heart with EECP' -- subject(s): Alternative treatment, Heart, Diseases, Angina Pectoris, Counterpulsation, Popular works, Therapy, Enhanced external counterpulsation, Popular Works, Coronary heart disease