Murray Bovin has written:
'Jewelry making, for schools, tradesmen [and] craftsmen' -- subject(s): Jewelry, Jewelry making
'Centrifugal or lost wax jewelry casting'
Murray Hackett has written: 'The determination of selected polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans in environmental samples from sites associated with the use of chlorophenolic wood preservatives' -- subject(s): Dioxins, Wood preservatives, Chlorophenols, Polychlorinated dibenzofurans
Sally Goodyear Siddon has written: 'Consider yourself for public office' -- subject(s): Political campaigns, Women in politics
Forename Author Surname has written: 'Title'
It was written by an anonymous author It was written by an anonymous author
Author of a Woman of Pleasure. has written: 'Genuine memoirs of the celebrated Miss Maria Brown'
M. Bovin has written: 'Jewelry making for schools, tradesmen, craftsmen'
MURRAY BAKER has written: '\\'
Marcel Lacrouts has written: 'Le cheptel bovin du Cameroun' -- subject(s): Animal industry, Livestock
Robert Fuller Murray has written: 'Robert F. Murray (author of The scarlet gown)'
Simon Murray has written: 'Legionnaire'
Richard Murray has written: 'Alethia'
George Murray has written: 'How Canada was saved'
Douglas Murray has written: 'The man from Toronto'
Louise Murray has written: 'The Dogs Of Our Lives'
Raymond Murray has written: 'Archdiocese of Armagh'
Terri Murray has written: 'Invisible coup'