B. J. Clarke has written: 'The Godhead'
C. B. Firth has written: 'Girls at home'
Lillian B. Cheuvront has written: 'Life in rhyme'
Arline B. Adeva has written: 'Profiles of success'
Phoebe B. Stanton has written: 'Pugin [by] Phoebe Stanton' 'Pugin'
Jack B. Fellows has written: 'A calendar of parties'
Jack B. Haskins has written: 'Newspaper publishers look at research' 'How to evaluate mass communications'
L. B. Jack has written: 'Canada's trade policy and the war' -- subject(s): Commercial policy
Jack B. Shumate has written: 'The development of sustained-yield forestry in Germany' -- subject(s): Sustainable forestry
Ernest Marriott has written: 'Jack B. Yeats'
B. Jack Copeland has written: 'Alan Turing' s electronic brain' -- subject(s): Computer engineering, Computers, History
Frederick B. Speakman has written: 'God and Jack Wilson' -- subject(s): Devotional literature
Thomas MacGreevy has written: 'Three historical paintings by Jack B. Yeats'
Jack B. Scott has written: 'Putting Your Money Where Your Heart Is' 'God's plan unfolded' -- subject- s -: Bible, Introductions 'May Day! May Day!'
Jack B. Creamer has written: 'The handy household manual' -- subject(s): Home economics, Recipes 'Twenty-two stories about horses and men' -- subject(s): Folklore, Horses
Jack B. Share has written: 'Motor development of children with Down syndrome' 'Developmental landmarks for children with Down's syndrome (mongolism)' -- subject(s): Child development deviations, Down syndrome, Tables
Jack B. Evett has written: 'Surveying' -- subject(s): Surveying '2500 solved problems in fluid mechanics and hydraulics' -- subject(s): Fluid mechanics, Hydraulic engineering, Hydraulics, Problems, exercises