V. A. Gud has written: 'Edinstvennyi bereg'
M C V. Allchin has written: 'Locomotives of the smaller Welsh railways and of the Midland and South Western Junction Railway' 'A history of Highland locomotives' 'Locomotives of the Somerset and Dorset Joint Railway and the Irish narrow gauge railways'
Neva V. Hacker has written: 'Speaking of fear'
L. V. Atkinson has written: 'Divided they fall'
O. V. Kirichenko has written: 'Zhenskoe pravoslavnoe podvizhnichestvo v Rossii'
V. C. Chappell has written: 'Hume'
C. V. Srinivasa Rao has written: 'The Ramayana'
C. V. Emery has written: 'Sick building syndrome'
C. V. Seshadri has written: 'Elements of fluid mechanics'
C. V. Davis has written: 'Handbook of applied hydraulics'
C. V. Simmons has written: 'A system for a medium-sized printshop'
C V. Woodward has written: 'The Strange career of Jim Crow'
R. V. C. Bodley has written: 'A Japanese omelette'
C V. Brewer has written: 'The organization of the central nervous system'
C V. Cutting has written: 'More and better fruit with EMLA'
V. C. Obinna has written: 'Problems of urban and regional planning in Nigeria'
V. C. Patrick has written: 'Combination of results of raw colour measurements'