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Q: What has 6 million legs and can't walk?
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What has 6 million legs but can't walk?

Three million pairs of pants.

What has four legs and two arms but cannot walk?

Q:What has 6 legs can't walk but can fly? A: A dragon fly Why: because it is an insect that has 6 legs, it literally cant walk, and it can fly

How a ladybug moves?

ladybugs walk with their 6 legs

Can Dragonflies walk with 6 legs?

An adult dragonfly has four large, fragile wings. It has six legs. It can perch, but it can't walk. It uses its legs to make a basket to catch bugs in the air.

Can perineural cysts affect both legs?

yes it can affect both legs i could not walk for 6 years

What is a millipede?

A millipede is not a bug with a million legs, most have about 126 legs and can range from 6-10 inches!!

Do crab has 6 legs?

Three to walk on and one claw on each side too.

How many legs a grasshoppers has?

All grass hoppers have six legs.

Can a butterfly walk?

We can't say exactly the reason they cannot walk, because it's their nature! An adult dragonfly has four large, fragile wings, It has 6 legs. It can perch but it can't walk. It uses its legs to make a basket to catch bugs in the air. It can fly 50 to 60 miles per hour. It buzzes by flapping its wings up to 1,600 times a minute! Thus, the known fact that Dragonflies have 6 legs but can't walk!!

Does a meerkat walk on two legs?

meerkats have up to 6-8 babies so that they can create more to improve there existence

What is the difference between a caterpillar and a millipede?

catepilers are colurful milepedes are orange

How many legs ants have?

the ants have 6 legs on their body