It is very difficult to know what Shakespeare thought about anything. You cannot use what the characters in his plays say as expressions of his own beliefs.
Officially, like all English people, he belonged to the Church of England and so supported the beliefs promulgated by the Church. He also held to the position that the government that England had was absolutely just and legitimate and he supported the monarchy. If he had not held these positions he may well have ended up in prison or dead, so if he had other ideas he kept them to himself.
It depends on what you mean "believe in". He certainly believed in the existence of actors or he wouldn't have worked with them. He must have believed in the existence of playgoers, since he expected them to pay to see him act. He believed in the existence of Royalty, since he performed for them on a number of occasions. If you mean what group of people did he trust, well, he seems to have trusted his fellow actors and businessmen in the entertainment industry. If you mean who did he find to be credible, we don't know.
Nowadays few people still believe the old legend that Shakespeare was a poacher.
Nobody knows what Shakespeare did or did not believe.
William Shakespeare is the father of English drama.
He did write his plays and you're an idiot if you don't think so
Many people believed in the supernatural. Shakespeare reflects this in some of the scenes in his plays.
Nowadays few people still believe the old legend that Shakespeare was a poacher.
What group of people do anthropologists believe the most of alaska's native people are descended from?
Nobody knows what Shakespeare did or did not believe.
If you mean famous then some people believe he was England's greatest playwright.
Mennonites are a Protestant group of Christians. The are a group of people of different ethnic origins who believe in God and practice their religion. Atheists are a group of people who do not believe in God. Atheists could possibly believe in evolution.
William Shakespeare is the father of English drama.
He did write his plays and you're an idiot if you don't think so
Most people believe that Shakespeare's plays were written by Shakespeare, who was a documented real person, and whose playwriting abilities were praised by Ben Johnson among others. However, there are people who believe that someone other than Shakespeare wrote the plays and then used his name as a pseudonym. Key contenders are the noble art patron Edward de Vere Earl of Oxford and the educated lawyer, Francis Bacon.
We have no reason to believe that Shakespeare was obsessed with anything.
I believe that would be an interest group.
gay people are not a unified group with respect to what they believe, so the question is essentially meaningless.
Many people believed in the supernatural. Shakespeare reflects this in some of the scenes in his plays.