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Windows makes use of the FAT and NTFS file systems.

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Q: What file system can be used by all Microsoft operating systems?
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What does dir00dmp means in computer language?

dir is reserved word (short for directory) in Microsoft operating systems. a dmp file extension is short for a memory dump. So a dir00dmp may be a dump file of a directory created by the operating system when it crashed.

Can a operating system for a computer be downloaded onto the computer?

Yes, a computer operating system can be downloaded onto your computer. One of the most common file formats to download operating systems is the .img file format. The .img file format can be used by programs like Oracle's VirtualBox, to create a virtual computer on your own computer. This uses the operating system that is saved in the .img file without overriding your current computers operating system and basically creates another "fake" or virtual computer within your own computer. However, these operating systems can also be used to replace your current operating system or to dual boot your computer, this means to have two operating systems installed on one computer at the same time. Operating systems can also be downloaded for the sole purpose of replacing your current operating system. For example, when a person upgrades their computer from running Windows 8.1 to Windows 10, they are essentially downloading a new operating system on to their computer from Microsoft, but in a way that it completely replaces their current operating system.

What program is needed to run an EXE file?

Typically, any of the Microsoft operating systems can run EXE files. It started with MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System) and has been in place in Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, XP, Vista, 7, 8, and other Windows systems as well. In other words, the operating system itself (the system command processor part of the kernel) is what runs the EXE files.

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cciu fsum.exe serves as an important filename extension denoting an executable file (a program) in the DOS, OpenVMS, Microsoft Windows, Symbian, and OS/2 operating systems. cciu fsum.exe is located in your system directory C:\windows\system32. This executable file is not a known spyware, adware, or Trojan file. cciu fsum.exe can be used in Microsoft Windows operating system.

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Yvette Huijsman has written: 'Switching to Windows Vista for seniors' -- subject- s -: Microsoft Windows - Computer file -, Operating systems - Computers -, Computer operating systems, Microsoft Windows - Computer software -

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In Unix-like operating systems what does 'unlink' do?

Unix-like operating systems are used to save files on a computer operating system. When using this type of system, to unlink a file means to erase or delete it.

How do you save a file as cur on mac?

The CUR file extension is only used by Microsoft's Windows operating system for cursor images.

What does file extensions mean?

These are usually system files .DLL stands for Dynamic Link Library. They are very similar to .exe file extensions and are normally on Microsoft operating systems. As with .exe's, .DLLs can contain code, data, and resources.