The excuse Juliet uses is that she is going to Friar Laurence's cell for shrift or confession.
They are Catholic people and Friar Lawrence is a priest. Juliet is not let out of the house at all, but as good Catholics they cannot deny her the opportunity to confess her sins to a priest and get absolved--that's one of the sacraments. Therefore Juliet can use this as an excuse to get out.
First, they raise the subject, and then tell her she should check out the prospective bridegroom at the party.
Catholicism because Romeo and Juliet are Catholic and when they refer to each other they use religious imagery.
Falstaff in Henry IV Part II Act V Scene 1 says this: "You must excuse me, Master Robert Shallow." It's the same as the contemporary phrase, but it is included in a full sentence. You can substitute "pardon" for "excuse" if you like, as you can in our contemporary idiom. The Elizabethans were more particular about the use of these words than we are: "excuse me" means that I would like to be excused, or allowed to leave or not be a part of what is about to happen; "pardon me" means I would like to be pardoned, or forgiven for doing something I shouldn't have. Thus: "Please stay and tell us about your trip to Africa." "Excuse me, I'm in a hurry; I have a dentist's appointment." "You are standing on my foot." "Pardon me, I didn't see it there."
All of them.
She said she was going to church to confession. Actually this was the only excuse she could use to get out of the house, where she was practically a prisoner.
Romeo and Juliet use the excuse of passing greetings in order to kiss each other. They pretend that it is customary to kiss in this manner as a friendly gesture.
They are Catholic people and Friar Lawrence is a priest. Juliet is not let out of the house at all, but as good Catholics they cannot deny her the opportunity to confess her sins to a priest and get absolved--that's one of the sacraments. Therefore Juliet can use this as an excuse to get out.
Twice in the play Juliet is allowed to visit Friar Lawrence's cell on the pretext of going to confession. One of those times is to marry Romeo. It would appear that this is the only excuse she can use to get out of the house.
Since he could not pass the exam, he contrived an excuse to leave the class.
The child was not permitted to leave the house.
when you use the word "excuse you" it means you offended the person and there upset
There was no excuse for the team's failure.
what object does juliet use an example of unimportance of names
you use a shovel to clean her garage
Without a doctor's note, the coach won't excuse me from practice.
When Bella was trying to get away from Jasper at the airport to get to James, her excuse was as simple as that she needed to use the restroom. She entered the bathroom, and then exited using the back door of the bathroom. She then fled and got a taxi to her destonation; the ballet studio where James awaited her.