The butt of a joke is the part you laugh to death in!
Got pillow? Different company different pillow
A smutty joke is another word for a dirty joke, one with a sexual innuendo. The root comes for the word 'smut' which is an ash like cinder that results form burning coal. When these fall on clean washing they dirty it ('dirty joke' - 'smutty joke').
It's a prank that was pulled on every at DA on April fool's Day, they all got there icons changed to mudkips.
Joke Teller: Knock-knock! Joke Receiver: Who's there? Joke Teller: Interrupting cow. Joke Receiver: Interrupting c-- Joke Teller: Moo!!!! :]
it means you have an erection
i got a clubpenguin joke BUT its from the clubpenguin joke book. what did the penguin sail on? the C!i got a clubpenguin joke BUT its from the clubpenguin joke book. what did the penguin sail on? the C!
Your joke "did you hear about the bear who got lost" should end with "who got lost in the house?"
No. If he was, he wouldn't be with the Rolling Stones!
Because a woodpecker pecker can
Is that a joke? You have got to know that there are infinite Pokemon there. Unless you mean kinds. I'm not going into that.
It is not a joke, it is a very old tongue twister. Its origin is unknown It goes: How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood. (would or could can be used).
no this is a joke
It's not supposed to mean anything. It's a joke.
The butt of a joke is the part you laugh to death in!
That means that the joke was not funny and it was too serious of a joke meaning you should never say that joke again