Gets Jalapeno Business
Melva Davern has written: 'The collector's encyclopedia of salt & pepper shakers' -- subject(s): Collectors and collecting, Salt and pepper shakers
Peggy Treadwell has written: 'Mr. Dudley's peppermill cookbook' -- subject(s): Cookery (Pepper), Cooking (Pepper), Pepper (Spice) 'Working couple's cookbook' -- subject(s): Cookery, Cooking
Good question. What you do is you take some crushed black pepper, like in a pepper shaker , and you go put it in all of the holes. When the dog goes to sniff it will sting its nose and he/she will most likely not dig any more in that area. Sit outside and watch you dog. If it starts to dig a new hole put more and more black pepper and scold it. If it doesn't respond then take the shaker up to its nose and when the dog inhales it will carry it up into his nostrils. It should teach your dog a lesson.
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers; A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked; If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?
It is a fairly common surname. I know of no other meaning for it in English.
Frederick C. Finkle was born in 1865.
Frederick C. Finkle died in 1949.
No, Ray Finkle is not a real person that played for the Miami Dolphins. Ray Finkle is just a fictional character in a movie.
Ray Finkle was number 5.
I don't think there's a problem about Allie Finkle, that's my answer.
Her name is Laura (for the US edition of the series.)Allie Finkle is the girl on the cover.
Roxanne Laing Finkle has written: 'Updated George-Nicoll folk in America'
As of now, there are no official announcements regarding a movie adaptation of the Allie Finkle series by Meg Cabot.
I am
Blanche Finkle Gile has written: 'Echoes of the great' -- subject(s): Accessible book
Pepper. Do notice that Black pepper is "mustapippuri", white pepper is "valkopippuri" but red pepper is "paprika".