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Acting and writing. These were his two main professions.
William Shakespeare, 1564-1616, is one of history's premier playwrights. His works consist of some 38 plays and more than a hundred sonnets and other works, all of which have been translated into almost every language on earth.
Shakespeare's scripts consist of the lines and a few stage directions. Miller wrote long and detailed instructions on how the set was to look, what the costumes were like and so on. Miller wanted to be the director as well as the playwright--Shakespeare left those details to the people actually producing the play.
The short answer: Because his audience did not consist of ancient Greeks.
A Shakespearean sonnet is a form popularized by Shakespeare which consists of the rhyme scheme ABAB CDCD EFEF GG and is written in iambic pentameter. It stands in contrast to, say, Petrarchan or Spenserian or Occitan sonnets, which employ differing rhyme schemes and meters. _______________________________________________________________________ In other words, Shakespeare's sonnets were written by himself, regular sonnets aren't. It's really as simple as that... And besides, all sonnets are written in Iambic Pantameter and consist of fourteen lines.
Acting and writing. These were his two main professions.
William Shakespeare, 1564-1616, is one of history's premier playwrights. His works consist of some 38 plays and more than a hundred sonnets and other works, all of which have been translated into almost every language on earth.
Shakespeare's scripts consist of the lines and a few stage directions. Miller wrote long and detailed instructions on how the set was to look, what the costumes were like and so on. Miller wanted to be the director as well as the playwright--Shakespeare left those details to the people actually producing the play.
Shakespeare In Love.
John Keats's "On the Sonnet" consists of 14 lines and is structured as an Italian sonnet, which includes an octave (8 lines) followed by a sestet (6 lines). It does not consist of quatrains, which are four-line stanzas typically found in poems like William Shakespeare's sonnets.
The short answer: Because his audience did not consist of ancient Greeks.
Subatomic particles are made up of 2 parts; composite particles and elementary particles. The composite particles consist of the protons and neutrons comprised in an atom. The elementary particles have no substructure and are not made up of any other particles.
it consist of life expetancy which plays a major factor in a country and education
William Wegman is a post-modern fine art photographer. His images consist mainly of his dogs dressed in costumes and/or posed or configured in pictoral situations.
there are major two kinds of education in Pakistan religious and technical education. religious education is given in Madrassas and technical in schools. Technical means normal way of education which consist of primary, secondary, higher secondary, intermediate, undergraduate, graduate, post graduate etc.
Hadrons are particles composed of quarks. There are two (known) types of hadrons: mesons, which consist of a quark and an antiquark, and baryons, which consist of three quarks (or three antiquarks). Leptons are a separate type of particles. They are not composed of quarks, but are elementary particles in their own right.
The classical education consists of twelve years at school from age seven. It is usually divided into three parts: first to fourth grades, fifth to eighth, ninth to twelfth.