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Play a trick to make Hero look bad.

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Q: What did Don John pay Borachio to do?
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Was don john masked in act 2?

No Don John and Borachio were not maked during act II

What was borachio's motivation for wrong Hero?

money from Don John

What does Don John do to Borachio to convince him to wrong Hero?

He pays him.

What was Borachio's motivation for wronging Hero?

money from Don John

What is Borachio's reason for treating Hero badly?

He received money from Don John.

What did John don pay barochio to do?

Don John got Borachio to make love to his girlfriend in Hero's bedroom calling her Hero all the while. Meanwhile Don John got Don Pedro and Hero's fiancé Claudio to stand under the window to overhear all this lovemaking and moaning of Hero's name. Naturally, Claudio could come to only one conclusion. It's hard to figure out why Borachio's girlfriend would go along with this, though. Or indeed why she doesn't speak up at the wedding.

And Borachio plot to ruin the wedding plans of Hero and Claudio.?

don john

Who helps Don John to ruin the wedding plans of Hero and Claudio?


What does don john do to borachio to convince him to wrong hero in Much Ado about Nothing?

He pays him money.

Who was don Jon's servant?

Don Jon's servant was Borachio, who played a role in the deception orchestrated by Don John in William Shakespeare's play "Much Ado About Nothing."

Borachio ruins Claudio's by manipulating him to believe that Hero has been unfaithful to him?

Don John. He does a fine job of it, too.

Of what does Borachio falsely convince Don Pedro and Claudio?

That Hero is unfaithful