Ironically he forgets the commandment "Thou shalt not commit adultery", the only one he has broken.
John Proctor married Elizabeth Proctor in 1674.
John Proctor was hanged
if John Proctor had not had an affair with Abigail, then...
Elizabeth Proctor/ Goody Proctor
No Reverend Parris is not jealous of John Proctor in the Crucible. John Proctor and Reverend Parris do not like each other.
John Proctor married Elizabeth Proctor in 1674.
John Proctor was hanged
if John Proctor had not had an affair with Abigail, then...
Elizabeth Proctor/ Goody Proctor
No Reverend Parris is not jealous of John Proctor in the Crucible. John Proctor and Reverend Parris do not like each other.
Elizabeth Proctor married John Proctor in 1674. She was accused of witchcraft in 1692. She was sentenced to death, but it was reversed before she was killed.
Yes, John Proctor openly admits to adultery.
John Proctor had an affair with Abigail Williams.
No, Elizabeth Proctor lives. Her husband, John Proctor, is hanged.
It's ironic because he does not remember the commandment he is guilty of (adultery from sleeping with Abigail)
John Proctor is a dynamic character.