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Piano keys

Musical keys (groups of notes that make an octave)

The Florida Keys (chain islands coming from the southern tip of Florida)

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Q: What are three keys that can't open any door?
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What to keys cant open cant door?

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Name three kind of keys that cant open a door?

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What has eighty eight keys but cant open a single door?

A piano.

What has eighty-eight keys but cant open a single door?

A piano.

What kind of key cant open a door?

Mon-keys Don-keys Piano keys

What has lots of keys but can not open a door?

A piano.

What has 88 keys but cant open anything?

A piano.

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What two keys cannot open a door?

donkey and monkey

What has 88 keys but can't open a single door?

a piano

How do you remove door card on car when you cant open the door?

smash the door off