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simile, metaphor, tone, punctuation, rhyme scheme, meter, connotations etc.

hope it could help :)

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Q: What are the parts of a poem?
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Who wrote the poem parts?

The poem "The Waste Land" was written by T.S. Eliot.

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a haiku? (5,7,5 syllables?)

How do you start a standard ode poem?

A classic ode poem has three parts. The beginning part is the Strophe. The Strophe is a repeating arrangement and recurrence of rhymes that begins the poem.

Analogies in the poem each and all by Emerson?

Not to separate parts from the whole

What is a parts of speech poem?

A parts of speech poem is a type of poem that uses different words representing various parts of speech, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. Each line of the poem focuses on a specific part of speech and creates a cohesive and structured piece of writing that highlights the function of each type of word.

What is the poem Boa Constritor about?

about who is getting his body parts eaten by a boa constrictor

What is it called when a poem has two parts side by side with both parts being intelligible separately and also as a whole?

Sounds like a caesura to me

What is double exposure poem?

A poem that creates a sense of two voices speaking at once, each with its own logic - APEX

What does rhyme help create within a poem?

Rhyme helps create rhythm and structure in a poem, making it more memorable and pleasing to the ear. It can also enhance the overall flow and cohesion of the poem by connecting different parts together.

Did Seumas O'Sullivan write the poem The Piper?

O'Sullivan wrote a poem called In Mercer Street which contains several parts; the first line is "A piper in the streets today" and usually only the first part is quoted, with that title. However, the poem is rather longer.

Some critics have called parts of the poem daddy by Sylvia Plath surrealistic argue why the word is or is not appropriate?

The term "surrealistic" may be appropriate for parts of the poem "Daddy" by Sylvia Plath because of its dream-like imagery and the fusion of reality with the unconscious mind. The poem portrays complex emotions and uses vivid, often unsettling, imagery that can be associated with the Surrealist movement. While not strictly adhering to Surrealist principles, the poem's use of metaphor and symbolism can be seen as surrealistic in nature.

Is the Divine Comedy by Dante a poem?

Yes, the Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri is a narrative poem written in the 14th century. It consists of three parts: Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso, each describing Dante's journey through hell, purgatory, and heaven.