He wasn't scared of the computer, just the mouse!
by subtracting and Adding with the computer
Yes, but it wont be able to eat the cheese
There are for primary operations of the . The basic operations are input, processing, storage and output. There are other functions as well but most of them will fall under these categories.
airthmetic, logical and storage operations
to control the operations in the computer.
There are quite a number of different mouse operations in a computer. The common ones include navigation, opening files, highlighting and so much more.
The pointer operator is called a mouse. This is a small woodland rodent and the aparatus looks similar to one when it is wired to the computer.
sixty-five thousand naira only.
Its to move the arrow up,down,right and left. Its also use to drag and more..........
Computer mouse
A peripheral device is one that is used to put or get information from a computer. Five examples are, mouse, keyboard, monitor, printer and hard drive.
characteristic of computer mouse
It's the wire that connects your mouse to your computer. The wiring that goes from your computer mouse to the back of the computer or the usb port depending on the gae of the computer and mouse.
Yes you can. Just make sure the new mouse can plug into the usb or mouse port of your computer.