Many words in English were coined by William Shakespeare.
Here is a very small list of words he invented:
Here are some:
"A rose by any other name . . ."
"What the dickens . . ."
"The world's mine oyster."
"There is method in his madness" ("Though this be madness yet there's method in't")
"Lend me your ears."
"That is the question."
"What fools these mortals be."
Shakespear invented many phrases to add to the English language. One phrase is "green with envy."
Many words in English were coined by William Shakespeare.
Here is a very small list of words he invented:
Some of the words which were first noted in Shakespeare's work are eyeball, assassination and puke. The attached link has a long list of words that he has invented on it.
He invented over this many wordsYes, "eyeball" for example.
Shakespeare invented a lot more than three words. Some of the ones he did invent are eyeball, assassination and superflux (OK, that last one didn't exactly take off).
Shakespeare invented nearly 1,700 common English words.
Some of the words which were first noted in Shakespeare's work are eyeball, assassination and puke. The attached link has a long list of words that he has invented on it.
He invented over this many wordsYes, "eyeball" for example.
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Shakespeare invented a lot more than three words. Some of the ones he did invent are eyeball, assassination and superflux (OK, that last one didn't exactly take off).
Shakespeare invented nearly 1,700 common English words.
There are many words Shakespeare invented. Some of the common ones are things like "assassination", "amazement", "generous", "reliance", and "suspicious". There are many less-used terms as well. Shakespeare also invented a great many common phrases or sayings used today. For a more exhaustive list of Shakespeare's word inventions, you can look at the attached link
Eyeball anyway. It's difficult to be exhaustive because people argue over whether Shakespeare really invented some of the words credited to him, or whether he just used them in a slightly different way. In some cases he was just the first to write them. This is probably the case with eyeball.
He invented about 2,000 to 5,000 words... but some people think he invented up to 8,000g. Sadly, it is impossible to know for sure. John Marcone points out in his book Brush up Your Shakespeare, "Just because [Shakespeare] was a regular phrase-coining machine doesn't mean he should hog the credit when the facts are against him". Lists of supposed Shakespeare words Far to often contain words that evidence suggests should not go to his credit. Other external factors also contribute to this misinformation. Visit my page entitled Did Shakespeare Invent and Make up English Words and Phrases in the Related Links section below for more on Shakespeare's purported word inventing prowess.
William Shakespeare is the world's pre-eminment dramatist and poet. "Who invented Shakespeare" is a completely meaningless question.
He had 7 brothers and sisters! Shakespeare never published any of his plays! Shakespeare's family were all illiterate! During his life, Shakespeare wrote 37 plays and 154 sonnets! The words "assassination"and "bump" and "bubble" were invented by Shakespeare.
Unfortunately, there is no possible way to count all words in the English language because some words could be considered as having two separate meanings and therefore there would be no true answer.