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Apollo is the Greek god who appears most frequently in "Oedipus Rex" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.). He is the god of prophecy, which is one of the most repeated words by the characters and the chorus. The following lists the gods who may be found in addition to Apollo:

1. Amphitrite the sea goddess;

2. Aphrodite the goddess of love;

3. Ares the war god;

4. Artemis the goddess of the hunt;

5. Athena the goddess of wisdom;

6. Dionysus the wine god;

7. Furies the goddesses of fate and revenge;

8. Hades the Underworld god;

9. Helios the sun god;

10. Pan the nature god;

11. Zeus the chief god.

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Q: What Greek gods are in 'Oedipus Rex'?
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No character in Oedipus Rex challenges the gods with attempted murder. Oedipus unknowingly killed his father and married his mother as it had been predicted in a prophecy.

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"Oedipus the King" is the meaning of the title "Oedipus Rex" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, the title "Oedipus Rex" is in Latin. It is a translation of the original title of "Oedipus Tyrannus" in ancient Greek. But the Latin is not a literal translation since the Greek translates literally into English as "Oedipus the Tyrant."

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By what other title is 'Oedipus Rex' known?

In Greek it is known as Oedipus Tyrannos. But the title should only be 'Oedipus'

By which title is 'Oedipus Rex' also known?

"Oedipus Tyrannus" and "Oedipus the King" are two titles by which the play "Oedipus Rex" also is known.Specifically, "Oedipus Tyrannus" is the play's original title by ancient Greek playwright Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.). "Oedipus Rex" is the title that is given to the Latin translation of the original Greek play. "Oedipus the King" is the title to the English translation.

What happens in the ancient Greek tale of Oedipus Rex?

Oedipus kills his father and marries his mother.

What is 'Oedipus Rex'?

A play written by Sophocles, the Greek playwright.