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Q: What ''confession'' did Elizabeth make to John?
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Why doesnt elizabeth beg john to confess?

Elizabeth doesn't beg John to confess because she wants him to have his goodness and to be able to as he wishes. John tears up his confession because he feels all he has left is his name and he won't let them nail the confession to the church door.

What is the climax of act 2 in The Crucible?

John Proctor refuses to sign his confession. Elizabeth Proctor is arrested Proctor tears up his confession.

What confession do John and Lorraine finally make to Mr Pignati?

That his wife was dead

Why doesn't Elizabeth beg John to sign the confession?

Elizabeth believes that is she begs John to confess, John will confess only to please her. He realizes it's better off to end his life telling the truth, rather than being humiliated by everyone is Salem if he confesses.

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Elizabeth wants John to make Abigael feel that they cannot be together. Elizabeth wants to keep John and prevent Abigael falling in love with John

What has the author John Saul Howson written?

John Saul Howson has written: 'Sacramental confession' -- subject(s): Confession

What does Danforth want John to do after he confesses?

He wants John to sign a confession, so Danforth can hang it on the church door. John refuses to sign the written confession and tears it up.

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How many chapters is The Confession by John Grisham?

about 42 excluding the epilogue. also there are three different parts and an authors note.

What is John cenas wifes name?

John Cena's wife name is Elizabeth Huberdeau.

What actors and actresses appeared in The Confession of Father John Thomas - 2011?

The cast of The Confession of Father John Thomas - 2011 includes: Russ Pirie as Father John THomas Tom Wren as Light of God

What promise did john make with Abigail in the crucible?

That if his wife (Elizabeth) dies he will marry her.