The joke where the punchline is bacause the egg roll is What do you get when a chicken lays an egg on top of a barn?
What did the bee used as a means of transport: School buzz
The Fool is the smartest in the play because he's the guy that can see the stupidity of others and can turn it into a joke.
Yes, because it is made out of gold. It's a joke please.
The joke is. how did the frog with no legs corss the street. Take the F out of frog and whats that spell. (ROG) Now take the F out of way and whats that Spell. Theres no F'in way! Get it
Nemo is a clownfish. He himself tells no jokes in the movie, but his father does (It is a joke itself in which clownfishes are thought to be funny, but the father is not).
The joke where the punch line is Lion is the Cheese Joke.
I am not sure what the answer to this joke. This joke is about a boo berry pie.
The answer to the joke 'the punch line is hippopotamop' is 'crazy'.
he joke where the punch line is Boo mop is the 'The Best Lame Joke'.
The joke where the punch line is Hippopotamud is: Where did the hippopotamus hide? Hippopotamud.
Here's an example: Hitler: I'm going to kill all the Jews and one clown! Random bystander: Why one clown? Hitler: See? Nobody cares about the Jews. It's like a joke that is funny but sad.
The joke where the punch line is ink is What do pigs put on sore trotters?
Oh honey, that poor fish couldn't tell a joke to save his life. He was trying to crack a joke about a mollusk walking into a bar, but he just couldn't remember the punchline to save his scales. Bless his heart, he tried though.
Yes, the word clown is both a verb (clown, clowns, clowning, clowned) and a noun (clown, clowns). Examples:verb: Don't clown around while you're eating.noun: The clown had a gift for each child.
This is a joke about cross breeding a cow with a bee. The end of the joke is about what the animal would say, which would be "buzz, moo".
The joke whose punch line is Buzz bed is 'green, sooty bed'.