There was a large contingent of people then who thought so. They were very like the large contingent of people who think so nowadays.
It is true that there are a large number of variations on the spelling of Shakespeare's name in documents from his time: Shaksper, Shakespear, Shakspeare, Shagspear, and even Shaxberd are some of them. This is not because Shakespeare had bad spelling. It is not because he had bad handwriting either. It is certainly not because he was really a half a dozen different people. It is because nobody back then cared how someone's name was spelled. Nobody thought that a name, or any word for that matter, needed to be spelled the same way every time.You will find similar variations in the spelling of anyone's name who lived back then.
None existent if you were poor, limited if you were rich, fortunately all changed.
It's an expression of regret and sorrow. Apart from the word "alas", the closest we can come is "too bad!"
Since he was an absentee father a lot of the time, a lot of people would say that makes him a bad father.
One way a witchcrafter was tortured into confessing was by putting their head in water for a long time. If they lived they were witches, if not when to bad..:) One way a witchcrafter was tortured into confessing was by putting their head in water for a long time. If they lived they were witches, if not when to bad..:)
He was 52. That sounds like an early age now, but it wasn't too bad at the time. Henry VIII only lived to 56.
No, He had a very good life. He lived in a big house and worked in a massive theatre company.
It was a bad time because witchcraft was starting to get noticed and they started to hang and kill people.
It is true that there are a large number of variations on the spelling of Shakespeare's name in documents from his time: Shaksper, Shakespear, Shakspeare, Shagspear, and even Shaxberd are some of them. This is not because Shakespeare had bad spelling. It is not because he had bad handwriting either. It is certainly not because he was really a half a dozen different people. It is because nobody back then cared how someone's name was spelled. Nobody thought that a name, or any word for that matter, needed to be spelled the same way every time.You will find similar variations in the spelling of anyone's name who lived back then.
Disasters happen as a result of bad magic.
most of their time they lived with their closest relative Count Olaf who was a bad parent to the children.
his link with witchcraft is supposed, that he was a wizard who would cast spells Good or bad. Films were later made called merlin.
It is because they involve witchcraft ideology
None existent if you were poor, limited if you were rich, fortunately all changed.
she lived in good and bad times when she was a kid it was bad when she grew up it started getting better