Shakespeare's son Hamnet died at the age of 11 in 1596 but most scholars think Shakespeare had already written Romeo and Juliet by that time, probably one or two years earlier. The first published version of the play came out only a few months after Hamnet's death and was presumably performed a number of times before being published, making 1596 unlikely as the year it was written.
I don't know if you are talking about the famous poem Romeus and Juliet, written by Arthur Brooke, or the famous play Romeo and Juliet, written by William Shakespeare, or the famous symphonic poem Romeo & Juliet, written by Tchaikovsky, or the famous dramatic symphony Romeo et Juliet, written by Berlioz, or the famous opera Romeo et Juliette, written by Gounod, or the famous ballet Romeo and Juliet, written by Prokofiev, or the famous popular song Romeo and Juliet written by Mark Knopfler.
The play Romeo and Juliet, written by Shakespear takes place in Verona, Italy.
In the 1590s, probably around 1594 or 1595.1594-1596
Romeo and Juliet was written about five years before Julius Caesar.
"Romeo and Juliet" was written in the form of a play, specifically a Shakespearean tragedy.
Shakespeare's son Hamnet died at the age of 11 in 1596 but most scholars think Shakespeare had already written Romeo and Juliet by that time, probably one or two years earlier. The first published version of the play came out only a few months after Hamnet's death and was presumably performed a number of times before being published, making 1596 unlikely as the year it was written.
I don't know if you are talking about the famous poem Romeus and Juliet, written by Arthur Brooke, or the famous play Romeo and Juliet, written by William Shakespeare, or the famous symphonic poem Romeo & Juliet, written by Tchaikovsky, or the famous dramatic symphony Romeo et Juliet, written by Berlioz, or the famous opera Romeo et Juliette, written by Gounod, or the famous ballet Romeo and Juliet, written by Prokofiev, or the famous popular song Romeo and Juliet written by Mark Knopfler.
Norman Colton has written: 'Romeo and Juliet' 'Romeo and Juliet, notes'
The play Romeo and Juliet, written by Shakespear takes place in Verona, Italy.
Romeo and Juliet is a play written by William Shakespeare.
"Romeo and Juliet" was written before "A Midsummer Night's Dream." Shakespeare's tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" was written around 1595-1596, while his comedy "A Midsummer Night's Dream" was written around 1595-1596.
It was written in England.
In the 1590s, probably around 1594 or 1595.1594-1596
Romeo and Juliet was written about five years before Julius Caesar.
Romeo and Juliet is a play written by William Shakespeare.
William Shakespeare wrote a play called Romeo and Juliet, yes.