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Three types of drama have been developed in Japan: the Noh play, the Joruri or puppet play, and the Kabuki play.

Noh play is the national theater of Japan. Tourists from all over the world go to Japan to witness a Noh play.

puppet play(or doll theater) is very popular. The puppets are beautifully made and lifelike in size.

the Kabuki, the play for the masses

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Q: Three types of Japanese drama
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there are several different types of Japanese drama and they all varey. there is: kabuki noh bonraku kyogen i know when you preform it [like we had to] your words are extended and your pitch goes up and down like a rollercoaster.

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How many Greek plays were there?

There are THREE types of greek drama, contrary to the belief that there are only two. The three types of drama are: comedy, satyr, and tragedy. Here is a website with some info about it (I !):