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Q: Romeo and Juliet alliteration act 3 scene 1?
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What is the conversation is between Romeo and Juliet?

Romeo and Juliet hold conversations in Act I Scene 5, Act II Scene 2, Act II Scene 6 and Act III Scene 5.

What scene does romeo and Juliet die?

in the final scene, both romeo and Juliet die.

In Romeo and Juliet What scene do you first meet Romeo?

In Act 1, Scene 1

What act in romeo and Juliet does Juliet fake death?

Act 4 Scene 3

What scene in romeo and Juliet did nurse first start delivering messages between romeo and Juliet?

Act 2, Scene 4

Who said in romeo and Juliet You kiss by the book'?

Juliet says it to Romeo in Act 1, Scene 5 of "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare.

What happened in act 3 scene 2 in romeo and Juliet?

Juliet finds out what happened in Act 3 Scene 1.

What act and scene is The dying scene of romeo and Juliet?

Act V, Scene III. It is the last scene in the play.

In act 1 of Romeo and Juliet who wants to marry Juliet?

Paris, for sure. Romeo may be thinking about it after Act I Scene 5.

Is there a metaphor in the Romeo Romeo Wherefore art thou Romeo soliloquy in Act II Scene II of Romeo and Juliet?

juliet is the sun

What scene was it when romeo an Juliet first met?

Act 1 Scene 5

What is act 1 scene 5 in Romeo and Juliet about?

It is about romeo and Juliet meeting at the Capulet party and falling in love.