Knock Knock. Whos there? not your grandma. shes dead.
no. it could mean several things... it either means 1)she sees you as a friend 2)shes comfortable with you just enough to where shes ok dancing with you 3) she likes you =p 4) shes using you
no you don't need to be flexible to be a dancer, because my friend is a dance crew and shes a really good dancer. but yes if you want to be a ballerina
Definitley ask her to the dance as a friend and not as a girlfriend. If you ask as a girlfriend it is a lot of pressure for the first time going out together.
shes his foe because shes not real
You should tell your friend how you feel and that unless she tells them you wont be her friend anymore.
shes a blond
hillary clinton. jk. shes wierd.
Well, from a girl herself, I personally LOVE dumb blond jokes! Here's a good one to tell her: One day a dumb blond went to her boy friends foot ball game, she watched the game and when the game was over, her boy friend walked over to her and said "Did you like the game?" "Yeah I guess so, i just don't get one thing" "What is it" he said "Well in the beginning of the game, they flip a quarter to see who goes first, then for the rest of the game every ones screaming GET THE QUARTER BACK GET THE QUARTER BACK! Jeez people, its just a quarter" but if shes blond, then I wouldn't tell her a dumb blond joke.
If shes your friend YES if shes not NO
Knock Knock. Whos there? not your grandma. shes dead.
Jasmin.: 1 if you yell at her.. she still loves you :Dbrodie 2 she buys you thingsEthan: 3 shes goodbrianna 4Jasmin: 5 who else are you sposed to make ya mum jokes about?!Brodie: 6 she tells her your specialEthan: 7 shes hotJASMIN 8: if you complain enough.. you get what you want.
his baby proberly looks like him as the baby will have all the features of him and his girl friend who he had the baby with hope this helps! :P no it dont
It means that the guy has a crush on the girl but he is has too much pride to admit that to his friends.
she laughs at all your jokes,she talks differently to other people,she wears her best clothes when shes around you,she tries to get close to you or sit by you. THEN SHE TRULY LIKES YOU
yes she is...actually shes da best of best friend u could ever have...shes so sweet from here friend simsgamerzgirl
62 lol !!!!! xx jokes xx shes 23 xx SOS