Oh, dude, Andy Griffith's hair is as real as my love for Pizza. I mean, come on, that hair is like a national treasure. It's not a hairpiece, it's a work of art! Like, if it was fake, I'd be more shocked than when I found out Santa wasn't real.
I highly doubt it....if you watch his career over the year from his debut as a maniacal singer in A FACE IN THE CROWD through the Andy Griffith's TV years to Matlock to now, he seems to just been blessed with a nice head of head. Never appeared to be anything unnatural over the years. Even today, as an 84 year old man, he still has a pretty nice head of hair.
no, it is not real, only in one piece
He has had three wifes - In chronological order they are: Barbara Griffith (1949-1972) Solica Cassuto (1975-1981) Cindi Knight (1983-present)
Scott Thompson (born February 25, 1965), better known by his stage name Carrot Top, is an American comedian known for his bright red hair, prop comedy and often self-deprecating humor, and lately for his bodybuilder physique and multiple cosmetic procedures.
Romeo and Juliet are characters in a play. They look like whichever actor and actress plays them. They have whatever hair colour the actors have unless the director tells them to dye their hair or wear a wig. Shakespeare did not stipulate what colour their hair was. If Aishwarya Rai played Juliet, she would have black hair. If Marilyn Monroe played her she would be blonde.
The phantom of the opera's real name is Erik, but if you mean his real real name then its Gerard Butler.
Andy Biersack's real hair color is blonde.
Yes, when Andy Six was younger, he had blond hair. However, when he moved on into adolescence his hair became darker. Nowadays he still dyes his hair black.
He didn't change his real name. His real name is Andrew Biersack and Andy Six is his stage name. He has 1 X by the way, not two
Yes, Tom Sellsck has revealed in interviews that he does wear a toupee or hair piece. He said his hair piece is made from human hair and cost around $7,000.
Nope its 100% real hair. Recently Andy Beirsack (the lead singer) got a haircut so his hair is now short :)
The cast of Real Time with Andy Kindler - 1998 includes: Andy Kindler as Andy Kindler
Andy Six's real name is Andrew Denis Beirsack.
Oliver is on Hannah Montana. His REAL name is Oliver Oscar Oken...By Tiarna Griffiths
Andy Samuel Griffith
Yes, he does. If you look close at his head you can see where the color of the hair piece (lighter brownish color) meets his real hair (darker blackish hair).
No real reason. People in the One Piece world often have wildly different body sizes, proportions, hair colours, etc, compared to real world people. Green hair does seem rarer, but there's no real explanation other than it's just something that can happen.
Ask God, his Mom, Dad etc... But all I can say that his real hair color [natural hair color] is blonde, he just dyes it black. And I do agree he is very hott