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he was 19 and he was gay

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Q: How old was William Shakespeare when he saw his first play?
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How old was William Shakespeare When he watched his first play?

The answer is at the age of 4 years old.

How old was William Shakespeare when he wrote his first tragic play?

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How old was William Shakespeare when he wrote his last play?

He was about 49 or 50.

How old was William shakespeare where he first wrote his poem?

We have no idea when Shakespeare first tried writing poetry.

How old was William Shakespeare when the play A Midsummer Night's Dream was written?

He was about thirty.

How old is Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare?

He wrote it in about 1595, which makes the play about 400 years old.

How old was William Shakespeare when he wrote his first play?

ANSWER: He was 24 years old. He was born some time in 1564 and his first play was written in 1588. His first play was written 6 years after he was married.He was married at the age of 18, to Anne Hatheway.We are not sure what the exact date shakespeare wrote his first play, which was Henry VI (part 1), but it is believed to be written between the years 1589-1590.

What play was peformed in 1580 by william shakespeare?

None. Shakespeare was only 16 years old in 1580 and living with his family in Stratford.

In which play by William Shakespeare does the character Gonzalo an honest old counselor of Naples appear?

The Tempest.

How did William Shakespeare get the idea of his first story?

Shakespeare got the ideas for virtually all of his stories from books he had read. Very few of his plots are original. The Comedy of Errors is based on an old Latin play, for example.

How old was shakespeare when he saw his first play in he playhouse?

Shakespear was four years old! :) your welcome!!