you can be any age. there is no limit , its a t.v soap.
Sophie Webster is 15 years old. She was born in November 1994.
Ashley Peacock is 33 years old. He was born on 24 January 1977.
Norris Cole is 70 years old. He was born on 5 March 1940. Cole is played by Malcolm Hebden.
the character is 19 and the actor, jack p. shepherd is 21
He is21
ellie mulvaney
you can be any age. there is no limit , its a t.v soap.
Sophie Webster is 15 years old. She was born in November 1994.
Tony Hirst, who played Paul Kershaw in Coronation Street was born on the 21st of January 1967. So at the time of answering the question, May 2014, he is 47.
Ashley Peacock is 33 years old. He was born on 24 January 1977.
Norris Cole is 70 years old. He was born on 5 March 1940. Cole is played by Malcolm Hebden.
Elizabeth Dawn, who played Vera Duckworth in Coronation Street, is still alive. Dawn is now 70 years old and continues to support the British Lung Foundation.
There were probably a lot of Coronation books. One common one is To Commemorate the Coronation of His Majesty King George Vby Charlotte M. Yonge, which is worth somewhere around $150 at most.